- Text-based full papers
- Text-based developmental papers
- Creative practice as image, film, artefact, or performance
- Poster: to be presented digitally at the conference
- Workshop: this year, we invite colleagues to propose workshops that will be incorporatedinto the conference program. They will involve participants working together on an issue that is relevant to one of the conference themes. There should be at least two organisers tofacilitate the workshop, and one of the organisers must be from an IFFTI institution.
Abstracts are required for all submissions. In order to facilitate evaluation, authors are requested to indicate which subtheme or subthemes their abstract addresses and identify themselves as senior faculty, early career researcher or doctoral researcher. Please be aware that full papers will be due by 21st November 2021
- Title
- Subtheme(s) and 5 keywords entered below the title
- Format (e.g. text-based paper, developmental paper, creative practice, poster or workshop)
- The Abstract should be 300 to 500 words in English not including subtheme(s) and keywords
- 12 pt. Type, Times New Roman
- 1 inch margins all around
- Abstracts must be submitted in Microsoft Word
In addition, for creative practice-based submissions (film, image, artefacts, performances) your Abstract should include these details:
- For images/film, please indicate your presentation requirements (e.g. screen size, projection facilities etc.) and any systems or software requirements you will need
- For physical installations, please indicate your spatial/hanging/other requirements. Note that the exhibition areas will limit the amount of space available to you, so please take this into consideration with your proposal
- For performance, please indicate the space you require and any other provisions for the performance
- Submit one or more images that enable a review committee to fully understand your proposal. Images should be in an attachment up to 10MB. If the file is larger, please use a vimeo link to it (https://vimeo.com)
For Full Papers Submitted full papers should comply with all the following requirements:
- Authors are required to submit full papers send full papers as a Microsoft Word file by 21st November 2021
- Full papers should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file, 12 point, Times New Roman font, with page numbers at bottom of page, and 1-inch (25.4 mm) margins, A4 size
- Papers should be 3,000-5,000 words in length in English. They should be written as continuous narrative in a chapter or article style - not as lists of points or a PowerPoint presentation
- Harvard referencing should be used in the text (author, date: page number), and in the reference sections. Please see paper template guide for text
- Please remember that the papers are to be published in a fully refereed Conference Proceedings, provided the author (or one of the authors) attends the conference to present their work. This means that the style and structure of your text and use of images should be in an appropriate format. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of citations, quotations, diagrams, tables and maps
- Papers should be thoroughly checked and proof-read before submission
- Authors will be notified about acceptance of papers in January 2022. Any papers that are incorrectly formatted or missing information, may be rejected so please pay close attention to the submission requirements
The purpose of this category is to enable authors to discuss their work whilst it is in its developmental stage, so comments and feedback obtained at the event can be incorporated in the final stages of research and writing up.
- Developmental papers should be 1000-2000 words (excluding tables and references). They should be written as continuous narrative in a chapter or article style, not as lists of points or a PowerPoint presentation and should explain the work to date and proposed future development
- Developmental papers will have 10-15 minutes allocated for presentation, followed with a 5 minute discussion period. It is recommended that participants/discussants, especially for developmental paper sessions, read papers in advance to get the most out of the session
- Papers should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file, 12 point, Times New Roman font, with page numbers at bottom of page, and 1-inch (25.4 mm) margins, A4 size
- Please do not make a submission of less than 1000 words as it will be automatically rejected; below this word count there is insufficient material on which to base a decision. A substantive amount of the paper or concept should therefore be in place
- Developmental paper submissions will be included in the conference proceedings following further review and provided the author has been in attendance to present
- Work should be submitted with a brief textual description (maximum 200 words) as a Microsoft Word file
- Visual submissions over 10MB should be submitted with a link (e.g. to a vimeo) due to limitations of uploading file size
- The conference organisers will discuss your individual presentation requirements with you
- Practice-based research acceptance criteria include installation requirements and feasibility review (installation space, technologies, equipment etc.)
- Images or videos of practice-based submissions, will be displayed on a show reel of work during the conference
- Figures and images must be clear and easy to view
- Figures and tables need to be placed where they are to appear in the text
- Please refrain from using Word Drawing objects. Instead, use images imported from a drawing program. Word Drawing objects will not be rendered in the typeset version
This year, we invite colleagues to propose workshops that will be incorporated into the conference programme. They will involve participants in working together on an issue that is relevant to one of the conference themes. There should be at least two organisers to facilitate the workshop.
- Workshop proposals should be 1000-2000 words and include the facilitators names, the conference theme, the main issue and context; the objectives of the workshop; key areas for discussion. Please submit your proposal as a Microsoft Word file
- Specific Format Requirements: Speakers will be given a session of 1hr 30m to hold their workshop. In addition to the topic of the workshop and a statement about why this is likely to be of interest, submissions should specify who will drive the session, the mechanisms by which this will happen and how everyone attending will also be involved
- Facilitators have the option to invite a conference guest speaker as a workshop member
- Workshops that are accepted after reviewing process and run at the conference will be included, in the conference proceedings
- Facilitators are asked to submit a reportable outcome from the workshop
We welcome poster presentations of work that relates to any of the themes.
- Poster layout must be landscape
- Please submit as a PDF file
- By definition, a poster is a single sheet/window/page
- The poster will be made available digitally so please ensure that it is scalable and visible on various devices
- Include the title, author(s) names, institution on the poster
- Word count within the poster should be 300-800 words
Abstracts and Papers for the 2022 IFFTI Conference will be selected through a blind peer review. The research committee will appoint reviewers for the process. Contributors will be invited to submit their final work after acceptance of their Abstract. Text-based full and developmental papers will go to a further review before acceptance.
All papers presented at the Conference will be published. At the time of submission of full papers, Authors are required to undertake a copyright agreement with IFFTI and the host institution. The text of this agreement will be available at the 2022 IFFTI Conference website shortly.
At least one author from each accepted submission must register to attend the IFFTI 2022 Conference by 1st March 2022. Accepted papers without at least one registered author will be withdrawn and will not be included in the conference proceedings. After this point withdrawn submissions will not be reinstated.
IFFTI will make awards of $US2000 for the best submissions in three categories, senior faculty, early career researcher and doctoral student. A review panel will assess a short list nominated by reviewers on the basis of the originality, significance and rigour of the research.
Doctoral research students
- Research students registered on a doctoral programme (leading to a PhD or Professional Doctorate or equivalent) up to the point of notification of their achievement
- The author or at least one of the authors in a multi-authored submission must present their work at the conference
- The lead author must come from an IFFTI institution
- The lead author’s Institution has paid its fees to IFFTI (current and past years)
- The lead author has not received an award within the past two years
- Up to 2 awards may be made of US$2000 each and registration to the conference paid by IFFTI
* The measurement of five years will commence from when an academic entered into a teaching/research role if they did not have a doctoral qualification or the date they achieved a doctoral qualification; the date in this case being defined by when they were notified by their research office. If an academic joined an institution on a teaching/research contract and subsequently achieved a doctoral qualification, the five years would be measured from the date they started their teaching/research contract. The five years can be extended for time taken out for illness, maternity/paternity leave etc.
Early Career researchers
- Academics who achieved a doctoral qualification or were contracted to a higher education institution in a teaching/research role, within five years of the date of the initial call for conference submissions *
- The author or at least one of the authors in a multi-authored submission must present their work at the conference
- The lead author must come from an IFFTI institution
- The lead author’s Institution has paid its fees to IFFTI (current and past years)
- The lead author has not received an award within the past two years
- Up to 5 awards may be made of US$2000 each and registration to the conference paid by IFFTI
* The measurement of five years will commence from when an academic entered into a teaching/research role if they did not have a doctoral qualification or the date they achieved a doctoral qualification; the date in this case being defined by when they were notified by their research office. If an academic joined an institution on a teaching/research contract and subsequently achieved a doctoral qualification, the five years would be measured from the date they started their teaching/research contract. The five years can be extended for time taken out for illness, maternity/paternity leave etc.
Senior Faculty
- Academics at a higher education institution who have been contracted in a teaching/research role for more than five years or took their doctoral qualification for more than five years since the date of the initial call for conference submissions *
- Have an established research profile within a higher education institution
- The author or at least one of the authors in a multi-authored submission must present their work at the conference
- The lead author must come from an IFFTI institution
- The lead author’s Institution has paid its fees to IFFTI (current and past years)
- The lead author has not received an award within the past two years
- Up to 2 awards may be made of US$2000 each and registration to the conference paid by IFFTI
- At time of submission of the full paper, the author of the paper will confirm that the paper has not been presented or published elsewhere
- The Head of Institution/ Department/ Other Appropriate Authority will provide a supporting statement, in the case of Junior Faculty that the applicant meets the criteria mentioned above and is eligible to be considered as Junior Faculty for the purpose of this initiative
- In the case of a Postgraduate/ Research Student, there should be confirmation that the applicant is undergoing a full time Postgraduate/ Research Programme at the institution
- In both cases, the institution will confirm that it will support a successful applicant’s costs to present the paper at the 2021 IFFTI Annual Conference
Conference registration opens
Authors notified of abstract acceptance and invitation to submit text-based papers, posters, workshops or practice-based research
Practice-based research review and notification of acceptance
Text based papers, posters and workshops submission date
Text based papers, posters and workshops review completed and final selection
Notification of acceptance
Programme and timetable published
Deadline for at least ONE author to register for conference